Chokladbollar (Swedish Chocolate Balls)

Chokladbollar (Swedish Chocolate Balls)

The Art of Fika, with Swedish Chokladbollar An influence of Scandinavian culture has been evident for a while here in the UK.  Whether we realise it or not shops like IKEA and clothing staple H&M have poured Scandi design into our homes and wardrobes for quite...
Gluten Free Pandolce Genovese

Gluten Free Pandolce Genovese

Pandolce is a sweet bread from the Genoa region of Northern Italy eaten at Christmas time. Today’s version has been made with ‘Wholegrain gluten-free self raising flour’ by the Free From Fairy. Enjoy something a bit different this Christmas with this...
Apple & Squash Hazelnut Pastry Galettes

Apple & Squash Hazelnut Pastry Galettes

Leaves on the trees are turning… Being a food blogger – and thus constantly having my social feeds flooded with food pics and articles – it was no surprise that when the calendar ticked over to October everyone, I mean everyone started sharing photos...
Chocolate Almond Olive Oil Cake

Chocolate Almond Olive Oil Cake

A simple gluten and dairy free chocolate almond olive oil cake. Perfect with a range of creamy toppings and seasonal fruit. Plus a celebration of 5 years in blogging! In last year’s anniversary post I spent some time looking back on all that I had achieved in 4...
Spelt & Chestnut Hot Cross Buns

Spelt & Chestnut Hot Cross Buns

Happy Easter! I admit that I’m a hot cross bun making novice.  It never really occurred to me before now to make them myself (too much faff), but I have always eaten them.  My Mum always used to buy the mini ones as soon as they appeared in the shops in January...