A cream cheese tart topped with asparagus spears. These individual tarts make the perfect portion. You can use muffin or cupcake trays to bake them. I’m fairly obsessed with the crispiness of olive oil brushed and baked filo pastry. These lovely little tarts...
Trout tray bake with new potatoes, asparagus and radish; put everything in one tray and let the oven do the work The food stuff I hate the most in the world is a boiled new potato with papery skin. I know, it’s an utter crime to springtime, but I just...
Asparagus pappardelle with pistachio pangrattato for a simple seasonal supper April and May means it’s time for Asparagus in the UK and I look forward to this each and every year. The exact date it will appear depends largely on the weather and its impact on the...